Saturday, November 29, 2008

Whiny Gay Boy Rant

Hey again. I wanna talk a little about a topic I get hung up on sometimes and that's homosexuality. As you may have guessed from my last posts, yes I am gay. Whoopy! I guess that makes this another one of those whiny gay boy blogs, whatever.

What I want to talk about right now is my opinion of "the gay gene." If there was ever controversy for the sake of having an argument here it is. I am a firm believer in the gay gene because A) My lower head knows what it likes and it ain't girls and B) I don't think homosexuality would be as wide spread or as big an issue in the eyes of lots peoples if it wasn't genetic. Also as far as I can piece together, Homosexuality has been observed in the human race for centuries perhaps millenia. It's really not something all that new.

What about the rest of the animal kingdom for that matter. Dogs, penguins, it's said that one sixth of the animal kingdom is gay. I'm sure Rex and Fido didn't just one day decide it would be cool and rebellious to do each other up the butt. It's natural is all I'm trying to get at I guess. It all works the same more or less. I won't get into the mechanics of anal sex here, but I will say that it's more less the same as vaginal sex except without the uterus.

What brings this topic about here is a video I saw on Youtube called "Gay Scientists Isolate Christian Gene".

Here's the link if your curious:

When I first watched this I thought, 'Ha, that's pretty funny,' but than I got really thinking. Sure at first glance this is a harmless parody of what's been going on with the gay gene. But if you think about it you might come to the conclusion that these guys are saying homosexuality is not genetic.

When I started typing I was really worked up about this video but I guess now that I've gotten this all out of my system it really doesn't seem like such a big deal. It's just another one of those stupid videos on YouTube. There is just so much to argue about on this topic though and I felt like putting some of my opinion out there.

Well thx for listening. Type to you later.

1 comment:

Shawn said...

It has always seemed to me to be obviously genetic. My attraction to women is genetic, though we call it "natural".

The concern I have over the idea of homosexuality being caused by a gene is that once we isolate it, we are going to try to eliminate it. We would fix all of you guys, as if you had a disease or a problem. Like the mutants in X-Men III, we would work really hard to make you more like us, rather than just learn to like you.